Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?

The  beryllium tweeter of the Focal speakers also showed harshness at many different shows and demos we auditoned. The AMT tweeter laughs about these limitations :)

With the Sonus Faber Lilium we had the same experience. When we played Diana Krall we all could hear ssssss all the time. The people who gave the demo said; this is based on the fact that she is very close to the mic and it is based on the recording.

Lol, these recordings never showed any kind of harshness and sss sounds to all systems we sold. 

I will do my best to create a shootout with these speakers against the Platinum series. This is how audio should ne used. We like things to be clear and honest :)
Awesome detective work Chris.

Looks like a very nice system Bo, comparable to many seen here on the Virtual Systems pages. Don't see much (anything?) in the way room of acoustical treatment.


I did take a look at your systems. Mann this is the work of an amature. Most of the brands and products you use are by far not the best in their price range. We are talking about 2-dimensional standard audio.

If I would sell it to clients, it would be time to quite directly.

First you need to listen to it before you judge. The products you bought many of them are even rather poor.

We test and listen to as many products possible to find the best of it’s class.

The one who creates the best sound&vision in each price range understands it the best way. This is how sound&vision needs to be exposed. This is how we work. And all people can compare it with all other products.

May the best win.......

We created Statement Audio Pro-measurement. It brings stereo and surround to a new superior level. This is again not based on personal taste, but again on facts.

If you would have read better you would have known that we have not the acoustic limitations most people have. That is why I said: ( I will repeat it again for those who forget) when we visit new clients, shows, distributers and other shops we always go back in time.

In their world the acoustics limits them a lot. I have done a lot of research in over 6 years of time in the acoustics. That is why we will share Statement Audio Pro-measurement with the world this year so many will get a superior sound quality they never experienced.

It is not possible to reach this level with old fashion audio without S.A.P. 

It outperforms pre amps in all 8 parts of Tru-Fi. It looks like it is not possible for people to understand what it means when you do research all the time in sound&vision. Because you never read and saw people who work like this.

I met many people who invested a lot of money on acoustical treatment. This is inferior to the results of S.A.P. It is even a big laugh how big the difference is in result.

Our clients react the same way when they visit other shops and shows. They are all already in the new world of audio This world we will share soon. 

Then you all may give your personal opinion :)