Wilson Audio sophia 3 or Watt Puppy 6

hi evry one i am not american so sorry 4 my english.
I have now a pair of Watt Puppy 6 running with a Moscode 600
i love my system i love the music it creates,
however i may have a chance to upgrade to a pair of new sophia 3.
ps my 6's are at least 20 years old and in good running condition.
please share your thoughts on this possible upgrade.
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Great call (easy call---cept for Dr. Green). Your going to love the Sashas in a room of your size.

04-15-12: Ricred1

My room is 24' x 26'and today I decided I will get Sasha's. If all goes well, I hope to have them in the next few months.

Good answer. Sashas are incredible and can draw you deeply into the music. Congrats on your decision.
thank you all
i listend to the Sof3; and to my ears i still like my wwp3 more!!!
why ?
i am not sure; i think somthing in the mid rage (vocals ext)
seem much more natural with my old WP3
thank evry one for your opinons
I think that all responders to speaker threads should list the dimensions of the rooms they have. i am chewing on getting some sophia 2s or 3s and see watt/puppies that might be barely affordable if i stretch. but there is no point in stretching if it results in a speaker that is too much for my 5 sided( opens into a hallway with small room on the other side) 18x13x8 room.
Secondly new speakers usually create to me a need to at least change old cabling to find tune the change- maybe not doing this is a source of disappointment also.
Third different people hear far differently than a lot of people realize