Wilson Puppy 6 vs Wilson Puppy 7

Now I want to upgrade my speakers. I have now limited my choise between the following options:

1. Wilson Puppy 7
2. Wilson Maxx
3. JM Lab Utopia

I think the Wilson Puppy 7 might suit my needs the best. However how much will it improve the sound to the 6. I listened it in a few ocasions and I feel that the 6 is better in the bass than the 7. The bass of the 6 is more fat and seems to have more slam. To my opinion this is better.

The 7 however seems to have a slightly better mid Area.
Can someboy give more explanation about the difference between the Puppy 6 and Puppy 7.

For the JM Lab it is a totally different speaker. It is warmer sounding with a more natural bass. But in a small room it might overpower the room. Also they look ugly (so is the Maxx by the way).

How about the difference between Wilson Puppy and JM Lab Utopia. Which one is the better speaker.

Peter, I owned the MAXX 1's and drove them with the set up you have except I had 750 mono's and the Krell can easily control the bass of of the MAXX. I downsized to monitors and sub because it sounded better than MAXX in my room. However, I am trying the Zu Audio Definitions 1.5 and for the money, they easily compete with my MAXX and easily with the Watt/PUppy 7's. The bass is actually better than I had from my MAXX. The bass is just as tight, and fast as the MAXX, but I can hear a lower octave. The midrange and tweeter are extremely musical and detailed. Before you spend $40k on MAXX twos, try the no risk Zu 60 day trial period on the Definitions which cost only $9k.You would only be out the shipping both ways; a small price to pay to save thousands. When the Zu men came to Scottsdale to set up my pair they also brought a pair to replace a pair of Wilson Alexandria's for a guy a few miles from me. He is much happier with his Zu Definitions than his $125k Wilson speaker. This is an extremely dynamic, musical speaker that offers tremendous value for the dollar that must be heard to be believed. You surely won't need the Krell 700 as these things have an internal amp (for the bass cones) and can be driven with 15 watts because of the 101db efficiency. Think of the money you will save when you can sell off that hunk of metal heating your room. Hit the link below and scroll down through the article (2nd page) to see the pictures of Archie, who sold his Wilson's for Zu Definitions. I am just trying to save you some money and for falling for all the hype you read in the magazines. I love Dave Wilson; he's the definition of class and his product and marketing is superb, but I don't think his product is $30k better than the Zu. And, I don't think I am alone on this if you read other threads and the reviews on the www.zuaudio.com website. Its your hard earn money, but as one who has been there, I am glad I listened.

Well I finally bought the Puppy 7. In the beginning I thought the bass was better in the 6 but I still put the 7 and put the 6 in the corner. After one week listening to the 7 I put back the 6. Wow this was realy unbeleivable. The bass of the 7 has much more punch end is much faster. The 7 also is much much better in the mids and more open and the stereo image is also much better. Compared to the 7 the bass of the 6 now sounds muddy to me. I could not beleive the difference. It is true that the 7 is a better speaker than the 6. The 6 is still a worldclass speaker but the 7 is better. Now I am curious to listen to the 8, will it still be better. Every time I think it is impossible to improve the Watt / Puppy David wilson improves it again.

I have lived with the Puppy for 7 years now (5.1, 6, 7) and they are realy a work of art. No other speaker which fits in a domestic room brings so much enjoyment. Everybody might have his own opinion but to me the Watt / Puppy is the most enjoyable speaker I ever heard or earned.

Yes they are expensive but so are cars, women and booze. So who cares as long as I can afford it and enjoy it. The speakers bring me much fun in my live and this is priceless. David Wilson improved the magic again.


I have to agree on your opinion of the WP7's I just picked up a pair three days ago and I'm amazed at the sound they produce! I owned Martin Logan Odysseys before these and can happily say I'm not disappointed at all. Better bass definition,more detailed and beautiful soundstaging and most of all more dynamic than my Odysseys were. I'm hearing small details on my CD's that I really didn't hear before. Not cheap but worth every penny.
Peter wrote: "So who cares as long as I can afford it and enjoy it."

I've made the distinction between the abilty to afford and the ability to buy. Afford means to me that it fits in with your larger plan, e.g. retirement funding, etc., and does not impact other important decisions. How much is too much in the larger scheme of life is for each of us to decide. But on another set of boards, you can read tales like I'm 55 with $50 K invested, how can I grow that to be able to retire at 65?
