@frozentundra - Dude, 8" of snow? Two words; Move South! Too cold for my blood - supposed to be 95F here tomorrow ;-)
As for being vehement, I am, but only insofar as defending one's right to a preference, and pointing out the folly of relegating dissimilar preferences to simple ignorance on the part of the holder.
@astewart8944 - Wilsons can definitely grab your attention. For some, the attention doesn't wane, but for many others it does. A buddy of mine came over when I bought my Sophias and he was really impressed (his speakers at the time were B&W 804s), so much so that he had to go out speaker shopping. He came home with Sonus Faber Cremona M's after auditioning them side by side with the Sophias. He and I think both are great speakers, we each could live happily with either, we prefer a different one. That's why I've been clear that I'm not promoting Wilson speakers, or making any claims of their superiority or inferiority relative to other speakers.
There are a great many very good speakers out there that I'd be satisfied with - many if not most are more than I paid for mine, and more than I'd choose to spend. But there are many (e.g. Paradigm Studio 100 V5, Triton 1, etc.) that provide an incredible amount of performance for reasonable money as well. Each to their own.