Wireworld Eclipse 8 interconnect - opinions please

Hi guys, I'm in search of opinions about the Wireworld Eclipse 8 interconnect; in particular, is the difference with the Platinum Eclipse 8 remarkable? I need opinions from someone who has compared the two models please.


@hifiman5  I have used the Eclipse 8 for about 200 hours, I tried on two different sources,  Pioneer PD-D9 MKII and Audio Analogue Maestro 24-192. After your words, I will try to use the Purist Audio Disc for burn-in, in search for improvements. The sound is unbalanced, very strange, considering that I used in the past the Straight Wire Maestro (David Salz patent) and I love them.

@iani  I use the Purist Audio Disc for burn-in as well.  Try leaving the cables still and untouched as you put the Purist Audio disc on repeat. It would be interesting to hear how things sound after that.  
PS I find Wireworld RCA connectors to be very tight (good thing). Just be sure they are FULLY inserted into the female jacks.

I'm trying the Eclipse 8 rca but it seems to be a bit dry and lacks dynamic, bass is too lean.

Hmmm, not my experience at all with these cables, though I am using XLR’s. After 200 hours I would not expect much more change. 

OP…interconnects usually settle within 200hrs enough to show their character. What someone else hears in a context of their system is only a general idea at best. If you have dark sounding components adding cables that sound lean will bring out more details. If your system is pretty transparent and is already more or less neutral, these cables can tip the scale towards what you’re currently hearing.
Trust your ears.

I tried several wireworld power cables and their usb cable. Fast, lean and detailed is the house sound as far as I can tell. 

@hifiman5 I'll try to control the connectors (confirm the tight grip, positive attribute of the connectors) on the preamp section and give more burn-in time. I hope for improvements.

@audphile1 My impression is similar; a sound that is surely fast, but lean and dry.