Wise audio aphorisms

What can you guys come up with to summerize key aspects of this disease/hobby/love/art?

Let me begin with these:

1. If you hear no difference then there is no difference
2. Cost is the cloud that obscures the ears
3. Without love of music love of equipment is materialism
4. Pay attention!
i've heard these comments and thought they were profound and funny....1. if the industry runs low on n.o.s. tubes, they'll just make some more 2.music isn't made to be listened to, its made to be sold.....3.audio customers hear what they see.
I like it...I don't care if you do. (Oh my, that looks a lot nastier in print than when I say it.)
The quality is remembered...long after the price is forgotten.

If you can hear the difference, pay the difference.