Wood glue method of record cleaning

Anyone ever try it? Sounds interesting but I'm afraid of any residue left in the groove ripping the stylus off the cantilever.
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It's funny, once the topic of wood glue is brought up, you get the typical snarky responses from people like Zd542, who know absolutely nothing about it.

The wood glue method works and it works well. If you live in the states, Titebond II is the way to go. Once dried, the glue will pull off entirely. I've cleaned many a record using wood glue and have never damaged a stylus. You just have to be carefuly not to spread the glue too close to the label.

Records come out very clean, as well as nice and shiney. It doesn't always take 8 hours for the glue to dry either. It takes about 4 hours on average.

I have a VPI 16.5. I find that using Titebond II wood glue works better.I just cleaned two Allman Brothers albums this weeks and got them to sound very nice.
The Spin Clean works well. Life just seems too short to try the glue method, but then I'm old.

"It's funny, once the topic of wood glue is brought up, you get the typical snarky responses from people like Zd542, who know absolutely nothing about it."

Thanks. I take that as a compliment. No ones ever called me snarky before. The names they usually call me always end up getting removed by Audiogon.
It has worked for me, although I reserve it for my old-since-teens beat favorites. I've read page after page of online discussion of this method and have never read a single mention of a stylus or cantilever actually having been damaged. When you see how the Titebond II behaves on the record, this is easier to understand.