Worst To First: The True Story Of Z100 New York (Documentary)

What an entertaining documentary!

I absolutely loved it.

Highly recommended!!!




I used to live in NYC, but hear first time that Z100 worth the movie or documentary. 

Thanks. Even though it's not a station I would listen to back in the day, I still enjoyed the documentary. From an audio standpoint, looks to be the beginnings of the loudness wars (max compression).

At the time, I had a first class FCC license, would have loved being the chief engineer, would have fit in and, being one that enjoys breaking rules, would have loved messing with the FCC and driving the signal into over modulation as did their wacky chief engineer.

I miss the pre-internet days of analog radio.

I was born and raised in the Rocky Mountains and had never even heard of Z100, until I watched this documentary.

I  thoroughly enjoyed it and thought that others might enjoy it.

It really is a wonderful tale...