Resurrecting this old thread….
I’m very surprised at some of the opinions on here regarding the sound of an ML23.5 compared to more “modern” amps. Please. The whole fallacy that audio technology and sound quality moves in this infinitely linear progression towards perfection over time is rubbish. There are countless vintage components that sound as good or better than their contemporary counterparts. My floor is littered with both classic vintage and modern amplifiers. The 23.5 might be the best sounding amp I own. It certainly is not demonstrably worse than ANY modern amplifier I have tried, as some would have you believe. The reconditioning is a valid concern, however I think an investment of $5000 ($2500 for the amp and $2500 recap) will get you an amp that absolutely slaughters comparable modern amplifiers in terms of value and more than holds its own with sonics.