i have a pair of B&W800d's. KRELL evolution 600's, VPI HRX turntable, dynevector xv-1s and/or shelter 9000 and hovland groove 2 phono cable. all other cables guerilla(silver) sold on audiogon. listen to mostly clasic rock, all informed info or advise would be much appreciated without the hype.

The Synergistic cables are fantastic with Krell.

I disagree on cast. I worked at one of the top Krell dealers in the country and the Cast system didn't sound as good as going with conventinal cabling.

What preamp are you using?
thor a 3000 stage and krell 7.1 home theater standard. i have been concidering the absolute reference very pricey though. also consider nordost hear different opinions though. can buy used cheaper though. don't wish to go crazy but don't want to do it twice either.
I agree with the above statement that cast is not that great compared to good balanced cables. The best I can say about cast is they are relatively cheap. I compared many cables in my Krell system (no longer own). My favorite match were a pair of signal cable balanced cables (not the silver). My KCT and 400cx were matched with Nautilus 802s. The signal cable tamed the edgy Krell gear and gave me the best bass. Cardas Golden Reference were the most expensive I tried. BTW a hugh upgrade for your HRX is a Triplanar tonearm. I still can't believe the difference it made. My cartridge is a ZYX Universe. I can't speak to any other cartridge. It basically gave me better everything. Email me your number if you want details.
this is an open ended question. what type of presentation are you trying to achieve. cables are a lot like people they have different personalities. what is your favorite ?