Would love to hear from anyone that has tried mating Pass Labs Amps with Simaudio Preamps

Would love to hear from anyone that has tried mating Pass Labs Amps with Simaudio Preamps.

Appreciate any feedback.

Both have some warmth to them. The Pass more so but I like the idea of the Simaudio being a vibrant, transparent, dynamic pre with some warmth. My Magico speakers like a bit of SS warmth. 

Associated Equipment:

Source: Bricasti Design M1 Special Edition DAC; w/Built-In Ethernet Network Player, :
Preamp: Simaudio Moon Evolution P-8 Reference Preamplifer,
Power Amplifiers: Pass Laboratories X350.5 Stereo Amplifier
Loudspeakers: Magico S5 Loudspeakers MCast Bronze,
Cables: Kubala-Sosna Research Emotion Loom

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No one has tried Sim w/Pass combo? Would have guess others would have tried these together?
I have not tried your suggested preamp - amp combination, but I have tried Synergistic Research Blue fuses in my three Pass Lab amps and each one sounded significantly better with the upgraded fuse.
David Pritchard