Would switching amps make a big difference?

I've been using a Belles 21a tube pre and a pair of PrimaLuna Prologue Sevens with Martin Logan Ethos speakers for the last 6 years and it sounds good. I'm pretty stuck in tube land. But does it get better?

I was wondering if a Raven Osprey Integrated amp or the Lyngdorf TDAI-2170 or another amp, ideally integrated could elevate and sound even more, around same price of $5k - which if I went ahead is about what my current amp setup should bring me.

Then there is the idea of switching to the Martin Logan ESL Impression 11a...

Thoughts? Suggestions?

I think you would achieve much more bang for the buck by changing out your preamplifier. Give the deHavilland UltraVerve a shot, at the very least you will have a preamplifier you can keep for life. I have spent time with your current preamp and with the UltraVerve so not speaking out  of school. Below is my room at the show. 

“Though I've heard the Wilson-Benesch Curve floorstanders many times before, I found that they sounded spectacularly good as driven by Kara Chaffee's amazing deHavilland tube electronics . Nothing I heard at RMAF, save perhaps for the far more expensive Vandersteen/ARC system, could touch this rig for sheer midrange purity, detail, three-dimensionality ." Chris Martens TAS on the 2009 show.
Wow, I've gotten a ton of useful ideas here to my question and am thinking of starting with the Zero-Autotransformers which should solve the Martin-Logan / amp speaker compatibility issue.

Next question is, if I were to replace my admittedly old Belles 21a preamp - thoughts on the following 4 preamps?
deHavilland UltraVerve 
> Backert Labs Rumba 
Don Sachs 
Linear Tube Audio
Of the list above I would do the Sachs or deHavilland. The Backert Labs is an excellent preamp; IIRC it employs an output transformer. Since your amp is single-ended input I don't see an advantage with that. I also have a preference for 6SN7s as a line stage tube- to me they are more robust and musical than 6922s/6DJ8s or any of the 12A*7 series (we use the 6SN7 in the line section of all our preamps); that is how I arrived at this opinion.
@cdc2 the zeroes would be a quick fix for your specific case, down the road if that's an option and IMO I would replace the speakers by something more friendly impedance wise to your gear. Only my opinion.

Thanks for all the advice.
I decided to try two things.

First i ordered a pair of the Zero Autoformers.
Just put them in a few days ago and the results were HUGE with my tube amps.

My Martin Logan Ethos speakers, sound fantastic. More detail, so much more live and tight from top to bottom. 

Next I ordered a deHavilland preamp. Which I’ll be testing next.