Would this be a good starter system for streaming?

I am new to streaming so looking for valuable input. I am considering purchasing the following:

Music Server - Small Green Computer - Sonictransporter i5 with CD ripper
Music Streamer - Ultrarendu

Was also considering the optical versions. Want to run as a ROON server.

This will be used with KEF 107.2 speakers, Macintosh 34v & 7200 amp.
i have a fairly large CD collection that needs to be ripped

Would something else be better in the $5K range 

Your rig is more than adequate, the RME dac is superb, I don't have it but the developer of hqplayer uses it, Amir at ASR tested the rme and it has the lowest noise levels, supports direct dsd unlike other dacs, it is on the expensive side there are cheaper alternatives and more costly ones if you want to save money. PM if you want, I have tried several rigs and if you know a little bit of computers there are really good options. I am not a dealer nor associated to any manufacturer

Dave & Troy,

I know the various Bricasti DACs do not unfold MQA. Does the latest version of the T+A DAC 8 DSD unfold MQA? I know earlier versions did not, but read that software was "under development."  Thanks.

I own a Hegel H360- Can anyone help me determine the best way to stream Tidal, Qobuzz, etc through its DAC?
Paul McGowan from PS audio posted a recommendation (video) which consists of a Mac Mini as a server.  I tried it and it sounds better than all the streamers I have used in the past.  To save money, I bought a used Mac mini and upgraded the HD.  Also, the best DAC for USB input is the Musical Fidelity V90 ($299).  The USB input outperformed the other DACs I experimented with.  
Best of luck..