Would treated CD's or OOP's-hold its value later?

Hi all,
Please give me some guidance here. Before I go and purchase a German cutter that shaves the sides of the cd polymer off to better the sound. Or all these green markers that you outline the CD with- Would they decrease or increase the value if ever they were to be sold later on in life. i am talking about CD's that are quoted on todays market at US$50 and above. would you buy these or shun away and get a non treated one if you had the option?
Nevillekapadia- If you haven't tried any of these CD tweaks, how do you know it's a 5% sound improvement. Suggest you give a Nespa Pro a try.

"Viridian/Qdrone/Shawn thanks for your insights. I will stick to no modification, as it's just not seem to be worth the extra 5% sound improvement."
Hi Kana,
The reason why I say it is a 5% improvement, as the dealer who used the cutting lathe, nespa pro'ed (30secs) the Cd and then used the Nanaotech fluid on his own Cd copy, of which I have the same, left it with me to audition over a few days. hence the comment on the 5% sound improvement.
On a revealing system like mine (IMO)*. I could comfortably say that the CD lathe flattened the sound- it went to a very 2 dimensional sound.
Then the Nanotech liquid brought the body back and the Nespa-Pro for 30 secs did not make much change.
the recording was a SACD of Ray Brown-Soular Energy (decent quality from the start) so there may have not been much to improve on.
*Avantgarde Duo Omega's speakers, EMM signature combo(CDSD/DCC2-SE) and Wavelength Napoleon's amps.
Osgorth thanks for your suggestion, but I struggle with time to listen. Let alone having to burn them to a CD-R as also suggested by the dealer of the tweaks.
At the moment due to my travels, I am acquiring more CD's than I can listen to. Nice position to be in as I feel I will one day get the time. Hopefully soon!

I've tried all of the CD tweaks you mention. IMO, they produce the greatest improvement with poor sounding CDs.

You have a very revealing system, you should check out the link below if you're interested in improving Redbook CD playback:

Nevillekapadia, I know what you mean.. I tend to make copies of my most loved records, not all I listen to since that would take forever as you suggest. :) I basically listen to the originals first, if it turns out I really like them I take the trouble to make a copy and then I can start tweaking the copy. It's good fun, and doesn't take too much time.

Enjoy the music!