Would you donate a dollar to have these Members Review a Product?

So, I've been thinking that there are a number of hifi products that I would love to hear or, at least, reviewed by folks I know and respect.  I then thought what if a panel of fellow members each listened and reviewed the product.  

I'd pay money to read (or watch/hear) ericsquires, wolfgarcia, millercarbon, and georgehifi each receive the same amp, speaker, etc. and review it. 
Lets see, you have a Luxman fanboy, a Synergistic fanboy and a GAN fanboy. What do you expect the results to be? I can give you a clue. BAD idea. You can add me as a McIntosh fanboy too. We could also add one of the Tekton fanboys to review Tekton. Do you see what I am getting at?

I’d rather read a review by a "fanboy" more than some random dude I know nothing about. At least the fanboy you know where he’s coming from.
Its like, who’s the world’s most recognizably great reviewer? If its not Michael Fremer I’ll eat Turd Ferguson’s hat. Everybody knows Mikey. And if there’s anything we know about Mikey its that he likes it fast and hard. We know this how? Because he’s right up front about it. I’m exaggerating but MF definitely makes it explicitly clear that he does have a preference. So when we read MF we know exactly what lens we are looking through.
(If you haven’t been following Fremer for decades and only know a few examples then spoiler alert- he’s a writer not a lawyer. He doesn’t include the same disclaimer every review.)

Same goes for "fanboys" whatever that means. Seems to me a derogatory term cooked up in order to avoid serious thought and excuse sloppy reasoning. But whatever. The fact remains that if you do read a "fanboy" and the "fanboy" has anything negative to say the one thing you know for sure, he’s not making it up. You just don’t criticize what you love, unless its really necessary.


You didn''t get it.  I used the examples, myself included, to show that most likely no one here is unbiased.   I don't see it working in these forums.  Also, I have a right to my opinion, like it or not, just like you and everyone else has a right to theirs.

@tomic601 ………………………………..

I did a online hearing test and after 13K, I flunked.  I was told that is average for someone my age, but it bothers me greatly.  Makes me wonder how good the pro reviewers hearing really is.  Most of the ones that have been around a long time are in their 60 and 70's by now.
@mahgister you missed the Fletcher Munson point, right past those ears is a brain, which likes loud. No level matching, no real comparison
Stereo5 you really missed the point, it’s not that kind of test bench, but if you took three minutes to go listen at 2L recordings the Nordic sound you would catch the drift....
With the exception of spouses, you do criticize what you love in order to make it better - the first rule of Kaizen : nothing is perfect

I guess I am a time and phase point source fanboy, including that oddity the ESL63, so there are at least four speaker designers I trust