Would you even consider?

Would you consider the purchase of a now defunct name brand piece of equipment 7 or more years old available at multiple times the suggested retail price and is no longer supported by the out of business manufacturer?
Case in point Oppo, a well known and exellent product. It seems that quite a few are showing up for sale at price points way above the original selling price.
Why would anyone buy a product that is used, old, not supported and way overpriced?
Answer me this?
" There are quite a few 105, 103 players out there for sale with manufacturing dates back to 2012. "

Hello gillatgh,
      Yes, I made a mistake. Both the Oppo BDP-103 and BDP-105 were released toward the end of 2012, which makes the oldest units about 7 years old right now.  
     But this updated release date info doesn't invalidate anything I stated in my initial thread post. The inflated asking prices, of multiple times the original retail price, still only apply to the final Oppo players released, the 4K BDP-203 released in 2016 and the 4K BDP-205 released in 2017.  I couldn't find any 103 or 105 players with inflated asking prices.

@noble100 , Tim you're not looking hard. I started this thread because while browsing a number of selling sites and in most cases Oppo unit prices were exhorbitant. Even older 103s are out there for in excess of 1.5 times the retail price as are 105s. Not to speak of the 203 and 205 models which are outrageous.  Some actually look abused on closer inspection. 
The intent of the thread is not to discourage, just my own curiosity as to reasons why anyone would pay above new retail for a used piece without knowing it's history or useage. Doesn't seem logical. 
Audio equipment does not usually increase in value as it ages like some automobiles.
Technology advances never retreats.

    I have my awesome 105 and haven't been looking at too many for sale.  I know I wouldn't sell mine until there's a reasonably priced substitute for the 4K 205 available.  I've heard rumors that Panasonic and Pioneer are coming out with new 4K universal disc player models with high quality audio and video.
   The 105's only 1080p which is fine for now since I'm still using the 65" Panasonic VT60 1080p plasma hdtv I bought in their last production year in 2014.  My plasma's going strong but I know I'll need a new player if I buy the latest n greatest 65" plus hdtv in the not too distant future.

Apparently people do....I sold a two year old Oppo Sonica Dac for almost what I paid new. I probably could have sold for more than I paid. There was great interest in the piece.
I was checking out Ebay and could not believe the selling prices of the Oppo UDP-203/205.  I purchased the Pioneer Elite UDP-LX500.  I could not justify spending that much more than retail for an Oppo. I do wish the Pioneer Elite had an HDMI input and supported multi-channel SACD, but I love the player.