A $10,000 cable? Sure! Is it worth $10k based upon parts and labor? Hell no.
Is it worth $10k if you really love the way it sounds and the money isn’t a big deal? Maybe...
Better than a $500 cable? Nope.
Better than a $2,000 cable? Nope.
Cables get better as they get more expensive? Nope.
Different cables sound different? Yep.
A cheaper cable may sound better than a way more expensive one? Yep.
It depends upon your particular system as to which cables sound better? Yep.
You can hear things that were not there before is you listen for them? Yep.
You can hear things that are not there at all if you listen for them? Yep.
You will dearly want to believe that spending more $$$ means better sound? Yep.
Does that mean it must be better? Not necessarily.
What there are for sure are DIFFERENCES-- so go with what you like, what you can afford, and then forget about all of the rest of it, relax, and listen to the damn music! Isn’t that what this is all about?
More money does not equal better beyond when certain thresholds of quality (parts, design, build) have been achieved-- unless you "believe" that it does, then, maybe, it does.
Is it worth $10k if you really love the way it sounds and the money isn’t a big deal? Maybe...
Better than a $500 cable? Nope.
Better than a $2,000 cable? Nope.
Cables get better as they get more expensive? Nope.
Different cables sound different? Yep.
A cheaper cable may sound better than a way more expensive one? Yep.
It depends upon your particular system as to which cables sound better? Yep.
You can hear things that were not there before is you listen for them? Yep.
You can hear things that are not there at all if you listen for them? Yep.
You will dearly want to believe that spending more $$$ means better sound? Yep.
Does that mean it must be better? Not necessarily.
What there are for sure are DIFFERENCES-- so go with what you like, what you can afford, and then forget about all of the rest of it, relax, and listen to the damn music! Isn’t that what this is all about?
More money does not equal better beyond when certain thresholds of quality (parts, design, build) have been achieved-- unless you "believe" that it does, then, maybe, it does.