Wow .... €50K Headphones ... What next

I didn't think I'll live to see this ... But here it is

Does this mean there is now permission to raise the tide ?!
I'm with you Onhwy61. When a single Modigliani sells for $170+ million, to a former taxi driver turned billionaire, $50K for headphones seems par for the course. $50K headphones are like $100 hamburgers...pricey, and not something I'd spend my money on, but far from crazy in the grand scheme of today's world.

@B_limo - I think your math is off. If you think someone is only morally "justified" spending $50K on headphones if they've also donated $500K to charity, that means on an equivalent basis you have to give $2500 to charity, not $25 (if you spent $250 on your headphones). And unless we're hypocritical, we'd have to apply that standard across the board, and I'm not going to start asking people who proudly announce their new $1000 speakers if they also gave $10K to charity first. Unless we think affluent people have a greater moral imperative than less-affluent people, which I don't. Then again, who is John Galt?

You are 100% right. These headphones are geared for the rich. They are definitely not made for audiophiles. ( sure there are a few rich audiophiles that might buy them, but not many)

I am sure you will see ads for them in the DuPont registry and the Robb report. That is the market for outrageous priced things. I just got the DuPont registry and there are a ton of ads not car related. Just expensive items for rich people. That is their market.
My previous comment was intended to point out that the Sennheisers simply represent the world we live in. Personally I think the items I listed are somewhat ridiculous and that there are better uses for society's limited resources. Apparently the world is not yet perfect.
Every $100,000,000+ home has color and smell of human of blood and flesh.
Come closer and feel it.
Every $100,000,000+ home has color and smell of human of blood and flesh. Come closer and feel it.

So do the iPhones in everyone's pockets.