wyred4sound Sonos Port - garbled noise

Hi Everybody - anyone having issues with their w4s modded Sonos Port?  Mine has started garbling/distortion at anything but the lowest volumes.  I'm guessing a recent sonos software update may have triggered it.

I've had it for a few years now, so no complaints - but wondering if anyone else is noticing the same thing, or its just my unit.




Thanks Jbuhl - yes, it is doing it with both wired and wireless.  Tried a couple of different DAC's too to narrow down the issue.  


A ticket with Sonos may not be a bad idea.. thanks!

Strange - it looks to directly be related to the volume.  Below 25% the sound is fine, above that, it starts to get progressively more garbled until it is completely white noise at 100%.  I'm sure there is a digital explanation for this?  Bit dropping?

According to W4S it looks to be an update by Sonos that is causing the issue.  For those that do not yet have the issue, suggest you hold off on any automatic updates if possible.  W4S looking into a solution.