XLR interconnects?

I'm in the process of upgrading my interconnects to XLR balanced cables. My gear is a Bryston BCD-1 cd player, Bryston SP 1.7 pre/pro, Sherbourn 5250A multi-channel amp, and my speakers are Anthony Gallo Ref 3.1's.
I'm looking to find a cable that is fairly neutral as I'm happy with the sound of my system. If there is a cable out there that may benefit my system please make a suggestion. I'm looking to spend between $200-$300 per pair. Some I've been thinking of trying out are Cardas Qualink 5c's, Kimber Hero's, Harmonic Technology Truthlinks, and Straightwire Maestro II's. Right now I'm using Ultralink Platinum series interconnects. Hope you can help.
>>03-25-09: Dave_b
I agree with you somewhat Atmasphere<<

I'm sure Ralph will sleep well tonight knowing that.
Ralph seems like a reasonable man who keeps himself open to a free exchange of ideas. Sadly, your profound understanding and insights into the realm of audio preclude any of us mere mortals from even attempting a discussion with your most knowledgable eminence. FYI, I also spoke with the owner of Merlin Music Systems, the head designer of Synergistic Research, and the head of marketing for Shunyata...I hope that was ok with you oh great ONE. By the way, I think Atmosphere makes just about the best amps available. If I had the room for a pair I would re-mortgage my house:O)
Hi Dave_b, of course geometry, the purity of materials and the like all effect the cable- until you have a termination resistance value that is low enough to swamp that stuff out.

As audiophiles, we have been working with single-ended cables that use exotic geometries and materials for so long that it is hard to imagine that those techniques won't also serve balanced lines the same way. If you don't have a termination, that is true. But if you don't have a termination, you will be limited in how long the cable can be, and you will be subject to the various artifacts that those materials and geometries impose.

Mercury records use to record the Minneapolis Symphony at Northrup Auditorium on the UofM campus here in Minneapolis. They used their recording truck to do the recordings- it had the recorders built-in to the truck. They placed the mics at the optimum location in the hall, and ran the mic signal a good 200(!) feet to the truck, which was parked in back. You have to ask yourself: how did they get away with that in 1958 when no exotic cable industry existed, yet did it in such a way that no matter how you improve your own stereo, those LPs continue to sound better?

The answer: the balanced line standard really works; really eliminates cable artifact! But-0 you have to play with equipment that supports the standard to really get the significance of that fact.
Point well taken Ralph. Thanks for the insight and background..it is really something to think about.
Ralph those records and most all the classic and jazz cut in the 50's and early 60's sound better than today, but I wouldn't say it was because of balanced cables.
I think the fact that the equipment was all tubes back then and you or all people know that tubes rule.
Also, the engineer probably just rode the volume control.
They didn't have all the noise gates and limiters and external electronic crap that they play around with today.
Those old recordings were about as true to real as you could get.
Now what amplification were they using back then?
It was probably push pull and transformer coupled workhorse amps of the Williamson variety, Macs at best.
Certainly nothing with the quality of parts or the technology of todays best amps your's included.
Yet, like you say very good sound and with 200 foot runs of generic cables.
So I guess it doesn't matter what cables or amps you use, as long as both are configured for a true balanced circuit?
I owned the S30, please don't tell me it sounds just the same as your top of the line mono blocks.