Yamaha Amp Nostalgia

I remember the Yamaha C4 and M4 with some nostalgia, as they were beyond my high school student budget, and quite beautiful with their back lit power and speaker selector switches.

20 years later, they seem to be reasonably well bid on the used market, although the lamp lights are often burned out and not easy to replace, apparently.

So last week, I impulsively bought an M2, because it looked even more powerful and more interesting than the M4, and the one I found seemed to be in good shape with working lights.

There is not much info on the web - does anyone know anything about this amp?

Thank you.
Does it sound "warmer" than the Levinson? I find Levinson gear to be a little dry.
I have several M2's, including one I purchased new with a C2a in 1982. I found the MX830 cleaner sounding. I think I will try my Yamaha CDR-HD1500 directly into the MX830 (without preamp) and see what it sounds like.

I have gone to tubes with a Canary Audio CA-301 MkII, with Sophia Princess 300B and RCA 6SN7M tubes... very nice improvement over the Yamaha's.

But at the price of used Yamaha amps, they are a nice step in the audiophile food chain.
I have a M-85 and a M-80,along with the matching pre-amps.I am thinking about grabbing a tube amp and an active crossover and try bi-amping my LaScalas.I love it loud,but want to see if the tubes will "air" out the soundstage.Overall the Yamaha power amps are incredible.
Reviewing this thread, I still have my M2 and continue to think this era of Yamaha components were particularly beautiful.

Sadly, the back lit switches are often dark, and even from across the room, repairs using LEDs do not look authentic or original to my eye.

Would anyone please know how to restore these gorgeous, glowing back lit switches to their original color and brightness?
Funny I was just given a whole bunch of Yam gear by a neighbor who had it left behind but a friend who left the state. 2 M70 amps, C70 pre, CD, tuner, TT, ICS etc. Put the pre in my rack with my McIntosh MC250 for a nice vintage vibe. Its better than I expected. Clear, clean, on the warm side.