YBA Passion Integre

I'm looking for people who own this baby or have seriously listened to it. I, presently, own a YBA Integre DT and am ready for an integrated upgrade. Please, no sales pitch on separates.
I'm curious... Can you explain more about why is the Audio Refinement Complete being better sounding than the Passion? My friend has a complete integrated amp along with a YBA 3 CD player... After spending 3 days auditionning my setup, he admitted that if he could afford the upgrade, he would do it (Note: we did not try my amp in his setup nor the opposite)...

If you heard the Passion, what CDP were you using. Also, what were the speakers? One more thing, where did you audition the Passion (I suppose you auditionned it since you state that it sounds better)?

By the way, before buying the Passion, I was shopping for a YBA 2 Amp/Preamp/CD player. I called YBA in France to get info about if there was any plans for a new cd player. They told me not but they memtionned that the Passion was being released late last year. They also mentionned that the Passion is up to par with the YBA 2 AMP/PreAMP.

The only thing I can see about the complete being better is that it MAY be less revealing. Therefore it MAY sound more musical with some recordings...

If you are right and given what they said at YBA, then everyone should sell their Series 2 (or Passion) and get the Audio Refinement...

Best Regards
Sorry Stehno, I did not read your message properly (I readt you heard the Passion not about the Passion). Where did you hear about the Passion not being as good as the Complete?
Let's be gentle with stehno. I believe, after reading his post, that he did not make this evaluation upon AB ing these two amps, but heard through a,rather, tangled grapevine, that esposed data, which all of you guys, including myself, know to be false. This is why,even after reading all the press and Audiogonophiles' reviews, I (we) must trust the ole ears.