Yes, another audiophile at a crossroads story and request for advice

I find as I’m rapidly approaching retirement that 2 competing thoughts about enjoying music after i retire. First, Im really looking forward to having the time to relax and listen to music any day of the week (not just the weekend now). Second, I don’t expect to be continue any significant investment in equipment upgrades post bringing home a paycheck. 
My current system consists of a 30+ year old Linn LP12 with Linn cartridge and Vincent PHO-701 tube phono pre-amp. I only listen to analog when i want to enjoy an album i bought in the 60’s - 80’s. 
90+% of my listening is streaming Tidal using Roon via Roon Nucleus, Lumin D2 as a streamer only, feeding a RME ADI-2-FS DAC. 
i still enjoy my CD collection (9% of my listening) and still purchase CDs) on a Primaluna tube CD player. 
All these are connected to a Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP integrated amp with original primaluna tubes from Upscale Audio.  My speakers are the original Joseph Audio Perspectives (not the graphene version). 
Power and interconnect cables are mid-level grade and power management via Niagara 1200. 
i listen mostly to instrumental jazz. 
This system is enjoyable, but I’m missing the last elements of sound details that reproduce an accurate organic sense of hearing guitar strings being plucked or picked, drum sticks hitting/tapping membranes or brass cymbals, the sound of a string base wood cavity vibrate. Hopefully that describes what im looking for. I do not like hyper/etched detail especially in the upper frequencies. 
I will add that the Primaluna CD player is the most enjoyable source of the 3 I currently.  Oh, and i also want to simplify my system. 
So, if you come with me this far to the intersection, heres what im debating. Should i chunk the integrated and Perspectives and invest in a top notch set of headphones (like the Focal Clear MG) and dedicated headphone amp?  In other words go to a headphone system. Or should i go the route of chucking all but the Perspectives and the Nucleus and invest in a high quality Roon approved integrated amp with built in DAC/Streamer?


@ezstreams - You said your Power and Interconncet cables are "mid Level"

What are you speaker cables?

My own system has been elevated to amazing levels of details with the introduction of highly detailed cables that consist of...

  • Advanced cable geometry
    • this improves clarity and lowers the noise floor of the system
  • OCC solid copper and OCC solid silver (for IC’s only) wires
    • this improved details and dynamics pf the sistem
  • Advanced insulation materials and application techniques
    • this reduced noise introduced bat lesser insulations and improves the the clarity of the system

For more details on cables take a look at 

The cables are the arteries of the system, if they are not performing to the highest levels then the whole system is not sounding as good as it could.

I have improved the sound of systems ranging from a $300 mini system to systems over $70k, just by introducing excellent cables

If you are into DIY take a look at my cables...

Otherwise take a look a Zavfino cables or Hijiri cables

  • both have excelllent threads in this forum where you can read the opinions of others

Hope you find your way - Steve


@williewonka Well Steve, I’m embarrassed to say that I bought my current speaker cables from Morrow several years ago. I think they are the SP5 Speaker Cable Pair - 576 SSI Wires. 

@ezstreams - cable science has advanced considerably in the last few years and it is very difficult without knowing the science, to determine which cables may be affective.

You are probably due for an upgrade, so it might be good to familiarize yourself with the design approach of the brands mentioned.

For a more budget oriented approach take a look at Audio Envy cables, they may be a very good to start to your quest


Regards, Steve

@williewonka Thanks so much for the advice Steve. I can see by the links you provided and the link to your system page that you know of what you speak. 

I've found that improving the source is the best method to enhance detail:

-Consider an Uptone EtherREGEN AND an Uptone JS2 LPS. Utilize the JS2 dual power outputs to feed both your REGEN and Nucleus. The Nucleus is a good server and benefits from a better power supply.

-At the risk of being heavily criticized, try connecting your streamer to DAC with USB. My system produces more detail using USB over SPDIF. This relies on a superior DAC over streamer.

-Try using Roon to upsample Tidal output to higher PCM bitrate or even DSD.

As a sidenote, I strongly suggest plugging your amp directly into the wall. I’ve found this produces better results over even my Niagara 7000’s high output bank.