yet another biwiring qeustion...

Ok, here is the deal.. I have some speakers that i want to biwire. now, my reciever accepts both banana and spade ends. currently, im running a set of Z1 cables from my speakers to the reciever connecting with the banana plugs. I spent 80 each on the cables and Id like to use them. my question is, can i biwire by running a second set of cables and connecting them with the spades or will that kill the signal? Do i need to just splice two sets of cables and recrimp the ends? I really dont want to cut the cables... im on a pretty limited budget.
any useful info would be appreciated.

I bought the wires when i first bought the speakers before I really knew about biwiring. Now that I have the cables for running one set per speakers I was just wondering if that setup was possible without a loss of quality. Since i spent the money on the cables I really dont want to not use them.
You can connect all four connections at the amp end then separate them at the speaker end. NO Problem with this. I have done it when I had only one stereo amp before I biamped by system.
thanx man...
just so its perfectly clear...
what i am looking at doing is running both a spade and banana pin from the receiver. (ex. spade to the top plug on the speaker and banana to the bottom). There wouldnt be a loss in quality? like most of the power going to the spade cable since its where the signal hits first?

I just want to make sure that i word this right so i dont confuse anyone...
No, more power wouldn't go because it was hitting it first. There might be a TINY bit more power going on one cable because it has less resistance, but this is a non-issue. You'll be pleased with the results of what you are doing. Cheers!
