You never see this anymore

There was a company called Cello in the early 90's that would put a totally matching system for you. They had 3 price ranges. You could audition their systems at the cello music store in West Hollywood,Ca. I don't know of a company today that does this. Maybe audio is so dead nowadays people just don't care. FYI- Mark Levinson the man not the company owned Cello music systems.
There may not be a manufacturer, but there are companies that do it such as Ciamara.
Hey, where have you been. Just drop into a B&O store, and be sure to bring a fat wallet. There sound is always great and you can bring it back within 90 days if you don't like it. I have such a store in my town and do drop in for a listen, every once in a while. Oh, yes I have hi end brick and mortar store in my town but never go there anymore. Why? They know nothing about great customer service.
Am I missing something here? Or maybe I don't understand the question. Isn't this what Naim does? And Linn? Audio Note? And many others. Audio Research offers everything except speakers in varying price ranges and so do other manufacturers.

I agree with Elizabeth's comment about mixing and matching "With varying degrees of success".
'Oh, yes I have hi end brick and mortar store in my town but never go there anymore. Why? They know nothing about great customer service.'

Acting like audiophiles??
I had the same reaction as Rrog, especially with Linn, a company which has names for its systems, complete with cables. Rega is another. A store local to me, Audio Concepts, has a list of recommended systems at variable price points on their website. I am sure they would be happy with put one together for you.