You want the TRUTH from those Wilson Alexia's, maybe you can't handle the TRUTH

56 bi-polar outputs, current till the cows come home, massive supply, multiple small power supply caps for fast release, 2000w into 2ohms that’s 2hp!!!!!

Cheers George
Hmm, find that a bit strange George, you've never heard the Amp, yet you say it delivers the "Truth"! I don't understand that. After many,many years I only trust what my ears, my mind and my body to tell me how good something sounds.

Heard too many "well specced" components that sound ordinary to trust what's on a piece of paper!

My advice is you should always "experience" music, "feel" it, that way you will get a greater grasp of it. Thousands of live music gigs over (too) many years have taught me this.  Don't get bamboozled by "specs".
A bit anal/argumentative there sunshine, the "You can’t handle the Truth" (A Few Good Men reference) "is tongue in cheek". The technical here know what I’m on about, as the Wilson Alexia’s are such a savage hard load there are only a few amps that will drive them flat from 20hz to 20khz with the current that’s needed, and not act as the dreaded tone control. And this amp maybe one of them that can do that.

Cheers George
The truth is sure getting expensive these days.
Yes they are a rich, the Parasound JC1 Mono-blocks can control the Alexia's at 6k a pair, I've heard them on them, and they were very good and could sound even better especially in their higher class A mode. But the Gryphon Antillion Evo was even better but that was 60k!!!

Cheers George 

meerzistar  I can address your Bryston comment. I have a pair of 28BSST2 driving Wilson Watt Puppy 7's

It is a wonderful combination, and I could not be happier(famous last words)

 Bryston modestly rates them at 900w, into 8ohm, both of my test sheets for the 28's have clipping values at 1247w, and 1249w respectively.