You went from Harbeth P3's to Compact 7's, and...

As the title suggests, tell us how this change was, and if you no longer have Compact 7’s, what you have moved on to.
My scenario is I have sold the P3’s, and since doing so, my 2nd system has been down. It’s an analog based system with a Croft phono integrated. As much as I like the Croft, I would like to have the option to go full tube...something like a Cary SLI 80 for example. It’s because of this that I’m also thinking smaller floor stander  like Spendor or ProAc, the latter an often used match with the Cary. The Spendor "A" series for example has higher efficiency than C7, and I believe are 8 Ohm, compared to the C7's rated 6 Ohm.  
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Yogiboy what did you not like about the p3 anniversary model?  I've never heard the regular p3s so I have nothing to compare them with. 

I found them overly detailed to a point of fatiguing. I prefer the warmer sound of the standard model. I gave them a try for about two months and I just could not enjoy them. Many of the reviews rave about them but they just did not do it for me! Many might like them but they were not my cup of tea!
This guy says it all!

Thanks for the response yogiboy my last set of speakers were Thiel SCS4 which were on the bright side and gave me listening fatigue so these Harbeth seem much more laid back to me. Also both in my amp and preamp I use nos mullards which add some warmth. And the detailed part about them I love. 
I went from shl5 when I built horn speakers with planar horn twetter and 15inch mid driver (even more dynamic and detailed sound)and still have  dynaudio contour s1.4LE which sounds with krell amp kav500i as  if using premium tube amplifier