The first significant players in active were Genelec and ATC. ATC is about 50/50 pro and consumer and Genelec historically was focused on pro. In consumer Linn and Meridian did some good work. In pro, additional players got involved as the business evolved. Now you see price driving some active speaker development in both markets as its possible to integrate cheap parts including little modular Class D amps into small affordable speaker "packages".
Since active is so poorly understood, especially in consumer were many still think its just a "powered" speaker, support (sales) for it in consumer specifically has been weak. I think its finally growing now, as the science is becoming clear to many. There just aren't that many active models in consumer and many manufacturers are avoiding it entirely as it requires significant additional engineering support. In pro, active completely dominates the speaker [monitor] business close to 99%. There's a couple of big passive monitors still sold (like Augsperger designs and Westlake) and a very small number of low cost monitors. New pro passives are very hard to find and don’t sell well unless the pro user is very budget driven.