Your thoughts on my quest for new speakers

I know this has been asked many times on this forum, but I would really like some input on my quest for new speakers.  I am currently running a Hegel 160 with Linn Majik 140 floor standing speakers and a Rythmik sub to fill out the bottom end.  I use the Hegel's built-in Airplay to stream Tidal (Hi-Fi only) to the Hegel.  I tried the Bluesound Node recently and found it actually decreased the sound quality, so I removed it from the system.  It seems the consensus is that Tidal Hi-Fi Plus is not worth the extra $10/month.  I listen to all types of music - with a focus on well produced recordings.

My listening room is a 30' x 13' rectangle with 9' ceilings and pretty good acoustics (I think).  The speakers are on a 13' wall.

Overall I am happy with my system and get a lot of pleasure out of listening to it.  But like many of us, I get the itch every now and then and wonder if I could improve the sound in some way. I think the Hegel is a solid contributor to good sound, so I plan to keep that and replace the speakers (although the Hegel 390 certainly is tempting).

Regarding price, I am willing to pay for good sound, but I subscribe to the theory of diminishing marginal improvement, i.e. $20k speakers are not twice as good as $10k speakers.  My sense is they are maybe 10% better (if that).  But let's not make this discussion about that.  My sense is $10k should get me speakers that are a solid upgrade from the Linns, but that is just a guess.

I am fortunate to leave near John Rutan's shop (Audio Connection) in NJ and spent a few hours with him last week.  He (as many of you know) is high on Vandersteens.  We listened to the Quattros for a while and they are great, but probably more than I want to spend and they would require I replace the Hegel as well.  We also listened to the Magnepan 3.7s and I was very intrigued with them - they really envelope you in the sound.  I am going back to listen to the Vandersteen Treos next week.

I listened to the 8 series B&Ws yesterday and really liked the 805s and 804s (I like the 801-803 as well, but too expensive).   They are also aesthetically pleasing, but that is not as important as the sound (of course).  I also listened to the Majico A3s, but I didn't find the $ worth it for the sound.

I also will listen to QLN, Boenicke, Focal and Harbeth at Park Avenue Audio next week.  The Boenickes really intrigue me.  The Buchardt S400 MKIIs also interest me, but wonder whether they are enough for my large room (even with the sub)?  I like that I can listen to them in my home for a period to be sure I like them.  They would be a nice low cost option.

So I would love to hear your thoughts on a good choice for me.  As I said, I think $10k is enough, but if there are some $15k speakers that would be a quantum leap forward, I would consider them.  I am open to used as well.

Thanks for taking the time to offer your thoughts.





Or you on the long wall so short wall.  I like speakers that have a large image and decent bass. Speakers that are direction like ribbons and planner speakers can sound great but I can’t always sit in the sweet spot so direction speakers or out, I’ve had them. A speaker cabinet should not be resonant, put out it’s own sound. Put your ear on the cabinet while playing, it should be quite. I like tweeters that are dome soft are metal but metal tweeters can be tiring over listing time.  There are a lot of very good speakers brand and models. I like speakers that can hit 30hz for low frequency  that excludes many speaker. So you really need great woofer that 8” but don’t be fooled by the size as many 10” speaker cannot get to 30Hz.  I normally don’t care for two speakers, except in your office. So decide what maximum you want to spend there are good speakers all over the price spectrum.







I am curious about the room painting idea. I think that sheen of the paint (lower the better) would have the most affect. Shiny paint will be the worst .Sherwin Williams make an acoustical paint designed for auditoriums. I once painted a studio and they used dead flat black.

I'm intrigued by Spatial audio speakers. well within your budget. Ron at New Record Day is high on them. With I could use them in my room. 

I'd give the dynaudio heritage specials a day in court! Along with some Harbeths!

To the OP, "Did you ever get to listen to the Treos?" I might have missed it. I have an order in for Tekton Design Double Impact SE but the wait is 2 months. I did hear the Treos once and they have a great sound over the 2CE Sig IIs that I own now. If I had that budget (10K) I would look hard at the Magnepan 3.7i. That is if you have very powerful amp(s). If I was looking at speakers with lower watt amps, check out Volti Audio.