Your tube preamp and ss amp thread

Last night I was listening to my tube preamp and my tube mono blocks, noticed an imbalance in the sound, and as usual I traced it to a tube problem in the mono blocks. Luckily, I also own a ss stereo amp as a 'backup'. IME, ss amps tend to be a lot more reliable than tube amps. Nonetheless, I would be interested in how many other folk run a tube preamp and ss amp combo, and if so, what are your choices.
Running a Linear Tube Audio MZ3 and upgraded SMc Audio DNA-1. I recently added Iconoclast ICs and am replaying my favorites - very impressed and happy!
Audio Research LS 28 McIntosh 601’s ....... lovely !

The guitar amps comments are interesting. Largely music style 
dependent but tubes still rule that world.......solid state is closing the gap though. 
Vintage gear:  Audio Research LS2B MKII into a pair of Sumo Andromeda IIa MOSFET power amps into Acoustat electrostatic hybrids.  30 years of surviving shoot outs.  Maybe they go in the coffin with me..