Your tube preamp and ss amp thread

Last night I was listening to my tube preamp and my tube mono blocks, noticed an imbalance in the sound, and as usual I traced it to a tube problem in the mono blocks. Luckily, I also own a ss stereo amp as a 'backup'. IME, ss amps tend to be a lot more reliable than tube amps. Nonetheless, I would be interested in how many other folk run a tube preamp and ss amp combo, and if so, what are your choices.
I run Meixing Ming da MD90's monoblocks with four KT90's a side, using a Yamaha as1100 as a pre amp, which also doubles as an integrated amp. This is essential to troubleshoot the system and tubes when needed. Thankfully my system has been stable for a couple of years now.
Right now in my main system I'm running an Aric Audio Unlimited pre, with a First Watt J2. 
I have both tube and Solid State amps that I alternate with my tube preamp. Use the SS amp more so in the summer months.
 No reliability issues with any of my tube amps of the years. Do not need to bias them all the time either.