Zu Druids upgraded Vs Essence

How does the upgraded Druid compare with the Essence?

I own a pair of the Druids and have been loving them for a few years. Was wondering if the Essence is worth the leap

Not really asking anyone what I might prefer. Just wondering if anyone has heard the two speakers might have an opinion.

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I see your point. But after all this IS an audio forum. We all come here to solicit opinions or give them. Don't be so hung on semantics. You are being way too literal, lighten up. I know it's my decision to make and no one will make it for me. Just asking what others thought. Any harm in that?

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If Ron is bringing along the new Zu Soul, you will be able to hear them vs. the Essence. The Soul is a little different, more similar to the Druids, as it shares the same tweeter.