Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Thanks Cwazz, I was wondering what speakers you had.
I had Paradigm Mini MkIVs at one time with the matching sub and liked them a lot. When I got them (when they were the current model) they were compared a lot against the NHTs. I never heard the NHTs but always thought they must be good speakers because of the direct compares to the Paradigms. The Paradigm sub integrated well with the speakers, I would guess the same goes for the NHTs.
Cwazz - I am all about diversity and to each his/her own, but that comparison is just silly. I have an NHT sub for HT. NHT makes great stuff! But is not in the same league for music. It is not even designed to be in the same league for music. That's a good thing if you prefer that, because it should save you lots of money down the road since you cannot discern differences in higher end speakers. My wife is that way, and I commend her for that – though I do not really get it.

But to say a couple $99 speakers and a sub sounds better than the Lore, is like saying my 2011 Ford Fiesta would outperform a brand new Mitsu Lancer Evolution. The Fiesta gets great gas mileage and handles awesome, but is not an evo, nor is it designed to compete with an Evo.

The fact that you prefer a $99 speaker tells me you either:
Are used to and perhaps after a HT type setup and are more of a background music listener than an actual critical listener (again, nothing wrong with that)
Cannot discern major differences in resolution (because there would be tremendous differences)
Or perhaps you are affiliated with the competition in some way. After such comments one must begin to wonder. You would likely be on an island all by yourself with that analysis :)

Lastly, I can promise you, if my $99 speaker with about $35-$40 worth of parts out performed my $1,000 speakers, you can bet that the $1,000 would have been sent back for a refund the next day.

Again, what is the logic and point of all of this negative feedback? There is certainly NOTHING wrong with you not “drinking the same kool aid." But seriously, you are on verge of losing all your credibility with a post like that. I've had many HT based speakers - most sound really good, but they cannot not even come near recreating the live event, nor are they designed to.
I think it's important not to get too distracted by the impressions of a single person. Clearly, Gpowered and Cwazz are not only listening very differently, but they are at opposite ends of the spectrum in their opinions about the Lores. Not much valuable information can be gathered by an extended discussion among people who clearly are not on the same page to begin with.

I happen to be another person who hasn't been completely satisfied with the bass response in terms of being able to play the Lores full range without any bass support. I was very appreciative of Cpapace's enumeration several posts ago about the different variables at work in bass response. In fact, I wish Eric himself was this thoughtful in his postings about the topic, as I'm sure he understands all that.

I found Eric's blog post on his website about measurements to have a confrontational tone rather than an explanatory one, unfortunately, and somewhat insulting to someone in my position. I definitely don't like peaky or boomy bass. As I've explained in my initial posts, I actually like a very balanced bass sound and go to significant steps to find it. I just like my bass to sound equal in weight to midrange and high frequencies. In my room, with my equipment, this has required subwoofer and equalization as well as room treatment. What's wrong with that!!?? I can tell you I've gone through effort to remove peaks using equalization, and the result is a very articulate bass reproduction. It's nothing like what Eric insinuates on his blog.

The simple fact of the matter is that Cpapace's listed variables can easily combine to a situation where the Lore is weak in the bass department for a given listener and their environment.

It sounds to me like Cwazz isn't interested in experimenting with different electronics to get the most out of the Lores. At the same time, Eric has made it pretty clear through his marketing that he considers the Lores capable of playing great with even mid-fi or inexpensive electronics. What's wrong with Cwazz being a bit upset that this hasn't been the case for him? Still, I would expect he might want to use this forum to explore more options for his situation rather than just running the Lores down the road.

Anyway, I'd rather spend forum time talking about the Lores somewhere between the fanboy and skeptic perspectives. Most of us realize no speaker is perfect, and most of us can talk about both strengths and weaknesses of our speakers and electronics.

I, for one, am very happy with my purchase of the Lores, despite them needing a bit of bass help in my situation. They continue to let me hear deeper and clearer into the music, and to allow me to connect more emotionally to it as well. For the price, they continue to be a grand bargain. I'm just mad that Eric has now created an upgrade option to tempt me. I wanted to just remain happy and uninterested in upgrading the Lores for a very long time.
Genjamon - much more thoughtful and value added response compared to what I initially posted Thanks.

I've spoken to Eric numerous times and I don't believe he meant for his blog entry to come off as insulting or arrogant. I know he takes his work very seriously (probably too seriously) and he was probably attempting to put a nail in the coffin with that post. I agree that the Lores are not what I would consider the most "full" or “weighty” or “rich” sounding speaker I’ve had, but at the same time I didn't think they were lacking in that area. But again, I think we can all agree that it is asking allot of a single 10” FRD to give us everything.

I am, however, very interested in hearing what the new Pendragon can do - it is designed to be an extremely dynamic and heavy hitting speaker. I am hoping that it will be everything the Lore is plus what the Lore cannot do due to physics, etc. Honestly though, and from speaking to Eric, I am sure the lore is still the bread and butter and best value in the line. I chose to take the plunge, but as I mentioned I was very reluctant to make this move because the Lore was a speaker I could have stayed with. I am not looking back though... I will post on them soon!
OK for the LAST time please read all my postings before anyone says again I am unhappy with the Lores . I just accept them for what they are ,a thousand dollar speaker , not miracles wonders, with a added comment that they do not have the weight (thanks genjamon) that I was expected , told, they would have . Otherwise I do like them .They ,for the most part though , have been a lateral move for me. I am not trying to run anyone down the road .

Gpowered , I am not a HT guy ,far from it actually. Gpowered please look into the Stereophiles archive reccomended issues for NHT SUPER ZEROES with the sub . They are compared to , speakers ten times their cost ,, for what that is worth . They are not just for HT . I know if I check your earlier post you compare the Lores to speakers costing thousands more .I beleive you actually called them the best AND,last speaker you would own .
I would love to be able to have multiple amps , preamps to compare with the Lores , but as everyone knows here this not a inexpensive hobby . I have I beleive in my original post , ask for suggestions on what electronics, cables to use. I am still open for suggestions.