Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Morganc - Wow, that is just fantastic! When do you take delivery on the Lores? And your not alone... while I have plenty of "room" to crank, 2 small children at home make it almost non existant, So it's more important to have a speaker that can do it all at lower volumes as well.

Let's stay in touch... I have my 2nd pair of P-dragons on order, but this time I am going to be more strategic about placement and amps/cables selection. I didn't do the best job of that in the first go around. But this has turned out to be a blessing. The first pair I had was front ported, which I figured would work better in a smaller room, but while it resulted in an est. +3db gain on the low end, it also overloaded the room just a tad. We'll see what the rear ports do - Eric recommended the rear ports plus he has inventory already CNC pre cut. I have enough room to get them about 3-4FT from the back wall so that should be a non inssue.
I have definitely found the Omen Defs to be very very sensitive to placement. And I have tried quite a few amps, and my favorites as far as bang for buck goes is the Melody I2A3, the mini Torii, followed by several others includimg the Art Audio PX-25 (I miss her:)) and the Frankenstein.
The Lores are coming in tomorrow night, and I will need to break them in as I think they only have 20 hours on them. What is the typical Lore break in time?
Good luck on your new pair. I am excited for my first pair to be here soon:)
Morgan - figure about 150 hours of playing at moderate to loud levels to reach full potential. You should notice them opening up and smoothing out a bit as the drivers loosen up.

I am hoping to somehow get a Pendragon vs. OmenDef comparison at some point. Just tough not an abundance of Tekton owners here on the West Coast of FL.

Thanks for the amp recommendations!!! I will definitely consider!
Going for round two Gpowered?
I'm interested to hear your thoughts again on the new setup. Will you be comparing them to the current set of speakers you have?
Well I just hooked the Lores up and am breaking them in. They definitely need a good break in as they just have around 20 hours........

The comparison with the Omen Defs may not be so fair though....as the Defs feature the HO Driver, Mundorf cap upgrades, and upgraded cabling inside........which are all upgrades over the standard Defs.......and therefore retail at about 4x the Lores, but I like what I am hearing so far.....

Are there any special placement considerations? They seem pretty
simple to place...anyone with pointers?