Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

If you don't need alot of bass?
The Lores do bass pretty well in my condo.
Just ask the neighbors!!!
The M lores price correction 650! I think the Lores will suffice as the Pendragons are a wee bit overkill, but at that price of 2500 its hard to pass up a full range speaker. And if the posts are right, this is like a major audio deal.
@ Morganc,
I will ask Eric tommorrow as i head down unfamiliar territory once again. Front ports sound awesome to me. And nowadays listen to less Psychedelic Trance and more Yundi LI and yo yo ma.-Its SF, i listen to some hippie weirdo stuff !
I do however rock out and blow my windows out.
The Lore is very tempting, but refinement is actually what i really want.
Again my top runners before i stumbled upon the Tektons were:
Cremona M - second hand
Paradigm S8v 3 - second hand
Focal 836 w- new never heard
Legacy audio classic HD - heard it was good match with my amp.
02-08-12: Goraman
If you don't need alot of bass?
The Lores do bass pretty well in my condo.
Just ask the neighbors!!!"

I have almost too much bass in my 12' x 13' room with Lores.
Sebrof - looks like the V3 Katz Meow have the same drivers as the Lore-S, and they're virtually the same price, too. Not surprising they have pretty similar sound. Yeah, if pressed to choose one or the other - which I am - it's quite a hard choice. I've had my list of go-to music for comparing cable swaps and other equipment swaps with the Lores for a while, but with the Lore-S I'm going to need to listen throughout my catalog to make this decision. There is music the Lore-S is doing a lot better than the Lore did, but then music the Lore-S can't compete on - and that's all with the same amp. If you start talking about messing around with amps, cables, etc, this could be a whole different animal. Too bad I can't afford them both, like you, Sebrof...