ZYX Omega or UNIverse?

These are available for the same price. What are the differences in sonic character? I'd be running with Phantom II or Clearaudio Universal arm, on an Innovation Wood table, with a Steelhead II. All thoughts welcome.
interesting. we can rile out geometry as I have set it up with a microscope and on the linear tonearm is preatty easy to verify as the cart will have to be parallel everywhere.
I was able to get an "idea" set up.
Distortion wise it is much better, but there is still a tad little on few audiophile vinyl that I don't know if any other system woul dbe able to track.
This is my doubt since I haven't had a chance to do 1:1 on the same critical vinyl.
As for the arm, I don't know. All I can say is that I find it to be way better than the well known VPI 10.5i.
Is the design wrong? I Wouldn't think so as it can extract a ton of micro info that I was unable to hear before.
The armwan is so short that talking about resonances of the card on the arm wouldn't make so much sense to me.
I am not an expert on tonearm's desing but my feeling is that the arm is doing a good job.

So my question for you is: do you EVER hear any sort of distortion on the high frequencies when the recording level go up substantially?
Maybe we have a common vinyl ;) and if we don't could oyu list the hardest one you have I will make sure to buy it to make a comparison?

Agree with Syntax. No Ortofon, even the overrated A90, stands toe to toe with the Universe.

No financial interest.
If you are interested go to my other threads for Zyx and leave some comment
Just to lend another view to this topic...my borther is running an Oracle Delphi mk VI with a Phantom II tonearm, and has 2 carts: Ortofon A90 and Zyx Universe. He prefers the A90 for its stronger dynamics and balanced tonality, as well as for its better tracking.

I have actually heard both of these carts in my own system, but way too much time and too many system changes happened between hearing the Universe and A90 in my system for me to judge which one I preferred - suffice it to say, I enjoy both of them immensely.
interesting. Thanks for your thoughts! I have read great things about A90 and its big syster Anna.