A question concerning ethics

Should business professionals related to the audio field be required to register as such when joining Audiogon or making public posts ? I am talking about those that are involved with manufacturing / marketing / advertising / wholesaling / retailing, etc... audio gear or audio related accessories. After all, if someone is "raving" or "bad-mouthing" a product or product line, i want to know if they are simply a "joe average" end user / consumer or if they have something to gain by promoting or slagging specific products. Would this be out of line in your opinion ?

Obviously, this would be done on the honor system since anybody can make comments with total anonymity and thicken their wallets or take pot-shots at their competition. The fact that MANY that post here have made their affiliations clear only adds credibility to their posts since they were willing to be up-front and honest to begin with. Those that "string along the crowd" can only expect complete distrust once they are found out. I am not going to name names here, but i think that a few of the guilty parties will know who i'm talking about. Sean
Brulee- this has been an issue discussed at length before, and there is a fine line between information exchange/shameless self-promotion/exploitation of the medium's anonymity/outright deception. There are legal (read libel/slander) issues as well that Agon has had to deal with as well. I think just about everyone agrees that it would be nice to be able to know any poster's background. As I said before, verification in the problem and Audiogon has been pretty firm about keeping this site from deteriorating into a flaming war. My advise would be that until Agon comes up with an identification code that is easily verifiable (and with hotmail accounts thats pretty hard)if you see someone crossing the line, maybe just send a private email to anyone who might be the target of exploitation. We can watch out for each other and help out the newbie who hasn't caught on to these shameless types.
Brulee, i forwarded some of the pertinent info to Audiogon a few days back. I have yet to see / hear anything from them. Since this is their site, i made them aware of the prime offenders and will let them deal with it. If the offenders continue to do "self promotion" at the expense of other dealers / manufacturers, i will make mention of it publicly. It is a shame that it comes down to something like that, but obviously some folks don't know what ethics are.

As such, there is no need to name names. The guilty parties are quite aware of what they are doing and that it is just a matter of time until they are "busted". I would think that fear of public humiliation would be enough to make someone wise up. I guess we'll get to see firsthand just how brave / dumb some of them really are. Sean
There are some simple and some not so simple aspects to this question.

Firstly, Audiogon requires that people register as a "Commercial User" if they fit certain criteria, part of which state:
-You will be buying and selling products for profit on a regular basis.
-You are a reseller or retailer of audio video equipment or related products.
-You represent, or are employed by a manufacturer in the audio video industry.
-You will be listing products on behalf of either of the above entities.

Admittedly, our criteria are based upon the selling/advertising aspects of this site, but they DO apply to forum participation as well. The above criteria seem to cover most users who clearly have "financial interests" in this industry. The examples of users that are being implied in this thread, should in our opinion be registered as commercial users and will be prompted to do so.

However, it is particularly difficult to make the distinction on THIS site, because almost all users will sell something at some point. Some "private" parties buy and sell many items each month, often concentrating on a few brands. For example, let's say Joe has one or two BB amps to sell. He may be motivated to "talk up" that brand, or even tubes in general, hoping to positively influence his sales. Or, Joe might down-play the quality of CC amps, even though he has never owned one. While the ads are online, readers could click on his Username and see that he is selling his BB amps. But after the ad has expired, readers of Joe's "advice" will not be aware that he was selling a BB amp at the time he posted the advice.

Further, the definition of a "dealer" or even "manufacturer" is changing everyday. Until recently, a "dealer" needed to prove the existence of a business entity, provide previous trade references, and have a retail store. But currently, there are many manufacturers who are willing to work with any person that is willing/able to buy some quantity of products. Similarly, "manufacturers" needed to have a large budget to produce, market, and promote products (ads, shows, etc). Currently, there are quite a few companies that market cables for example, over the internet, with little or no budget. The point being: there is no longer a set of hurdles for people to cross from a "private" entity to one with financial interests in a product (directly, indirectly, or despite of). Thus, it is more likely today that people will drift in and out of the commercial status overnight.

In summary, Audiogon DOES require users with financial interests in audio to register as a "Commercial User", and this status is displayed when a forum participant's Username is clicked. However, it is worth keeping in mind that Audiogon is indeed a marketplace, and that EVERY user's advice could be suspect. While we do try to "label" some users as commercial in nature, let us not forget that virtually everyone here will spend money or collect money for audio products - sooner, or later, or earlier.
Sean, having dealt with Jtinn in the past and will again in the future if the need is there I hope you did your homework on Jtinn. I contacted Jtinn about the Tenor amps about two months ago and he told me in he was a dealer for them. He was not trying to hide that information. Maybe he went about this in a way that doesn't please you but I don't think for a minute that he was trying to deceive anyone. He was upfront with me and that is all I can ask of a person. To name names of parties who are trying to deceive others I am all for but I would have to know this for a fact. Do you know for a fact that Jtinn was being deceitful? To ruin a good mans reputation without facts is as unethical as one can be. I have no doubt that your intentions are honorable and that you are trying to do the right thing for us Audiogon members but unless you know something I don't, I can't help but think you may have dropped the ball on this one. I can only relate my experience with Jtinn and they have been honorable.