When did audio goners now have to pay to see the book value of equipment??

I just went to see some used prices of equipment and now it says you have to pay to see this ? When did this happen? I think this is ridiculous!!!! 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
Hifishark.org is much better than Audiogon’s blue book and it is free. Audiogon’s blue book is a very poorly executed tool in my opinion.
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Those with an Insider (or Legacy Bluebook) Subscription have unlimited access to Bluebook. You can also do one-time look-ups for a specific product. Earlier this week while updating and migrating the Bluebook Database, there was an error in syncing user permissions. Those who should have been able to see pricing were unable to. This has been resolved as of an update this morning (12/3/21 @ 5:00AM EST). If you believe you should have access to Bluebook data through your subscription, but are encountering an error, please submit a support ticket so that we can look more closely into your issue.https://support.audiogon.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Please also make sure you are visiting audiogon.com/bluebook, and not the previous bluebook.audiogon.com subdomain.

In addition, The recent Bluebook changes resolved out-of-sync subscription data, so some users who had access to Bluebook actually should not have, since they didn’t have an active subscription.