
Discussions 47ghibli has started

What have you found to be the best preamp & amp for Acoustic Zen Adagio speakers?1812
Conrad Johnson preamp used with Pass Labs amplifiers3532
Conrad Johnson MF2250A / MF2500A vs CJ MF2275SE / MF2550SE7569
Spendor S8e vs Spendor A7 vs Spendor SP1/2 vs Harbeth SHL523184
Conrad Johnson MF2250A vs CJ MF2275SE21253
Studio monitors, powered, use at home to stream from smart phone?11083
Best amp for natural timbre of unamplified acoustic instruments & vocals w/ Revel F32?367732
KEF 104/2 woofer replacement?37322
Upgrade from Harbeth Compact 7547019
Floorstanders for $3500717125
DACs Bel Canto DAC1.1-Music Fidelity-Cambridge19850
KEF 104/2 T33 tweeter replacement65587
Compared tube preamps? Want remote & phonostage.25533
CJ Premier 14 vs. VTL TL5.5 & TL2.543405