

Responses from aahmed

Who and what are BEL/Bell Labs amplifiers
I have a pair of BEL MK V's that were tuned to each other as monoblocs by the late Mr. Brown.  I will keep these in my system until either they or I die, whichever comes first! They are the best sounding most balanced amps I've heard (been in this... 
Which is the best preamp for the BEL 1001 MKVs?
This is an update to my post on 10-29-09. I replaced my Aesthetix Calypso preamp with a VTL 7.5, everything else has remained the same. Needless to say, this may be as good as it gets and I have no plans on changing either the pre or the amps anyt... 
What's in your Wadia iTransport system?
I have a basic Benchmark DAC hooked up to my Wadia 170i, and the Benchmark driving two channels of a Theta Intrepid amp. Speakers are the Wilson Watt V's. All cables are high end, including a Kimber Select digital (RCA) cable. The combo is quite n... 
Which is the best preamp for the BEL 1001 MKVs?
This response may be a bit late, but here goes. I have a pair of BEL 1001 MkV's and have tried several preamps until a ran across a local sale on a used Aesthetix Calypso preamp. The rest of my system is: Ayre C5x-e cd player, MacIntosh MR-67 (mod... 
Help contacting BEL re: 1001
You may also want to have an authorized dealer contact him. I'm in Houston, and the local dealer Audio Concepts is where I bought my pair of BEL MK V monoblocks. All I can say is that these are the most awesome amps I have owned and wish Dick Brow...