
Responses from abszero

Benchmark Dac-1 into Naim Nait 5i?
I've heard tried using the DAC1 with a NAP150 without preamp - the sound was a bit too upfront and aggressive for my tastes. 
Plinius Int 9200 or McIntosh 6600 for Dynaudio C1
I had the C1 with Plinius 9200 and DAC1 USB. The 9200 performed fairly well and gave the C1s adequate juice for my rather large room. I thought it was a bargain for its price, but the C1s deserve even better if you can afford it. The sound was neu... 
Dynaudio C-1 or Harbeth-7-es-III
I have owned the Dynaudio C-1s and Harbeth 7es2 (should be pretty similar to 7es3) and can recommend both wholeheartedly. The C1s throw a much much bigger soundstage, is faster, and is on the darker side of neutral. If you have a powerful amp and ...