

Responses from ace_hayashi

EAR 864 V1 V3 Tube Type
Thanks guys! By the way, I wrote EAR and replied me that V1=ECC83 and V2=ECC82. May I know which affect the sound more? V1(ECC83)? or V2(ECC82)? Thanks again! 
First Sound Preamp Owner's - What NOS tubes?????
When one mentioned Philips SQ E188CC, one has to realise that Philips produced E188CC over many years. This mean that the sound of Philips SQ E188CC can be very much different within themselves. There a total of 8 product codes for Philips SQ E188... 
NOS tubes for Sonic Frontiers Line 1
Jim,I always find the center row affected the sound most which lead me to post the question in this thread before. I also asked around, Sonic Frontiers, PartConnexion, Line 1 owner etc. Guess I am right that center row V2 and LV2.You tubes setup a... 
NOS tubes for Sonic Frontiers Line 1
Jim, I suggest the next group of E88CC/6992 you should try out is the Holland made Philips. I managed to get hold of 3 types of Holland made Philips and my comments are as follows:(1) Philips E88CC SQ - Same construction as Mullard E88CC, from wha... 
NOS tubes for Sonic Frontiers Line 1
Hi Jim, Lawrence here, the guys who sent you email regarding which pair of 6922 in Line 1 affected the sound most. As I mentioned to you I have both old Siemens CCa and Amperex 7308 PQ (white label). I been plucking in and out on both type tubes o... 
Sonic Frontiers Line 1 Tube Upgrade
Hi Jeffcott,Thanks for the link, I had read the disscusion before posting this question. I wrote to Sonic Frontiers and was told V2/LV2 affected the sound most and not V1/LV1 that I used to believe. So I am bit confused. Accordingly to Sonic Front... 
Sonic Frontiers to Conrad Johnson .
I am using Line 1 with Power 2 driving ProAc Response 1SC with Cardas Golden Cross speaker cable. I did a blind test on my friends by covering the equipments and asked them to comment on the sound. And all have the same answer "Warm sound! Typical...