
Responses from acmar

Record-playing Rituals?
I wash my records with a VPI record-cleaning machine before playing them. I dust it off with compressed air.Then, I wait about 2 minute after (to make sure is completely Dry) and then a second dust off with compressed air.I am curious, where or ho... 
Anti-skating problem
I appreciate your feedback. Tonight I will do as you suggest and check for any sympathetic feedback. I guess I fell into the pitfall. Further testing using a test CD, I also discovered that the left side produce bass distortion, it sounds lagging,... 
Anti-skating problem
Folks: Thank you for your help. Based of you feedback, I started to check all settings on my turntable. After checking and adjusting all settings, the problem remained. After many hours of frustration, I gave up and listened to my SACD player whic...