
Responses from aliu2

I have DV20x L which I have used in rotation with other cartridges which have included a Clearaudio Maestro, a high output MC; a Sumiko Blue Point no.2, a high output MC; and other comparable and higher end carts.  Bottom line: I love the dynamic... 
Does anyone have experience with the Jena Labs "Step It Up" SUT?
The Quadratic MC-1 is made from customized Cinemag  transformers as well, and as I was told, it is not the same as the Bob's Devices blue cinemags.  Some feel the custom Cinemags in the Quadratic are higher performing above the Bob's Devices Sky 4... 
Small factor phono stage
+3 for EAR I have been using an EAR 834p.  I love it for its amazing midrange and forward sound. Tube rolling made significant changes for me.  Compared to the other phono preamps I have from Pass, LAMM, and Hagerman, it holds its own merits.     
Anybody using the last record preservative
I begun using it more than 20 years ago.  It seems as though it reduces friction and can be perceived in the sound.  Seems to reduce groove noise.  I can't say as to whether it reduces record wear, but theoretically, it should.  I like the product.  
Ayre k-5xe MP
When I owned the Ayre, I was aware of the many good things others said about it, and as such, I worked with the K5xeMP thinking I might have not optimized it.  It had some excellent qualities but to me it was always weak on weight and drive. I tho... 
Ayre k-5xe MP
I had this preamp. I paired it with a number of my amps from a 60 watt tube amp to a 250 watt solid state amp. For me, the sound was extended at both ends and quite clean on either extreme. I enjoyed the sweet sounding highs and decent overall det... 
LP stores in Portland, Maine
I was just there a few months ago. I was looking for jazz and classical.  The only shop that I found that catered to this was Enterprise Records. I spent about 20 mins in there. It’s not a big store. As for the other stores on Congress St, they we... 
What tube amp are you using with Von Schweikert VR series speakers
I own a pair of VR4jr for 13 years. They seems to run best for me biamped with the bass units driven by solid state and the top unit with a separate amp. Are you using the factory jumpers between the top and bottom units?  The biggest sound improv... 
Goldmund Mimesis Questions
I just wanted to add my experience with Goldmund in terms of their service. It appears that words have been said that if one lives in the US, service can be difficult to obtain. That may have been true for some in the distant past but recently for... 
Goldmund Mimesis Questions
I know this is also a late replay.  I've owned a Classe-CA100 amplifier for 16 years and have also a Goldmund Mimesis 27+ preamp.  The Classe is pleasant sounding with a slightly dark in nature sound that is absolutely comfortable and enjoyable t... 
Harman Kardon T-60 vs Dual 721
I have no experience with the Dual 721, (do have a Dual 606, however) so I can not give an accurate comparison between that and the HK T-60. Although I can tell you that I used the T60 with Ito arm for four years and had very good sound with it. I... 
Micro acoustics 2002e Cartirdge and upgrade bug
Raul,I have been using the 2002e for 7 years and, three years ago, managed to buy six more MA 2002e carts (in fine condition) for a good price, so I have enough of these to last a few years! This is what's creating my struggle. I'm contemplating w...