
Responses from amarquis

Tubes for Conrad-Johnson PV-14 preamp?
Try this thread : had the PV 14A a few yrs back and it came equipped with Mullard 6C4 M8080 tubes. Many think this tube is the best. You might get them from... 
Power Cords - Just Say Yes
I would like to know from a technical point of view why silver wire sounds different from copper. If not, why is silver used so often in audio applications. 
Power Cords - Just Say Yes
I always heard arguments like "ears can trick us" or "if you anticipate improvement, you will hear improvement" or "its a perception thing, you hear what your subconscious wants ". Not only regarding cables but everything else related to audio. An... 
Why do I like Class AB better than Class A?
I will agree with Ryder on that one. I have frequently heard a Plinius SA250 MKIV and although the SA100 is not in the same league, there is a definite Plinius housesound.But in my sense, and my preferences, choice of gear is highly dependable of ...