
Responses from analogsonar

tuner to tube preamp
this has to be some sort of electrical interference phenomena.on all stations, the distortion is there, but with a cd player through the same rca inputs there is no noise. i'm just using a wire antenna, it is picking up stations well. 
CD's you bring for auditioning
I have a couple Vangelis cd's that work for me. before I upgraded I didnt find them to stand out however there was a huge improvement when I upgraded to a better setup. 
man do I miss Tower records and
too bad for tower and us. shame on the record companies for not finding any decent music. lets say for a second that i was capable of making the music for a hit record. i would never be able to do it because I am not a cool person in hollywood. th... 
Do the Audio gods shine upon you?
i think temperature and humiditity may contribute, and also how "sequenced" the ears are before a session. Similar to when a singer or a insturment player goes through all of the notes high to low before going on with the arrangement. Better to go... 
musicality and dynamics without enhancements
i'm not sure the term to describe how this amp replays it,but i can hear every detail with outstanding clarity and depth, hard to describe, it is very punchy and warm at the same time. it sounds better than my mid-fi separates by a good margin.