
Responses from andypaulden

Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better?
Diw - interesting point you make, and if true, it may explain how the British magazine, Hifi News which is probably the most respected UK journal, reckoned the 3910 didn't reach the same sonic standards of the 2900. 
Best tubes for the Exemplar players
Thanks Smilin, are all basically good in their own right, with each offering its own interpretation, or does one stand out as being better than the rest? 
Is the Exemplar 3910 clearly superior to the 2900?
I wonder how close the 2900 would get to the 3910 were the same mods applied to it? I think we're in danger here of submitting to the latest model symdrone. When something new is imbraced by some as a quantum leap better than the predessessor when... 
ML 390s vs. ML39
All I can offer is that having read reviews comparing the ML 39 to the Wadia 830 and finding that both had their areas of superiority you would think the Wadia 301 would be better than the 39. Right, well maybe, but when I listened to the 301, and... 
What happened to Red Rose R3?
What actually happened was the manufacturer of the woofers for the R3 (Dynaudio I think) stopped supplying Red Rose, and so the Rosebud was born. I havent heard the R3's, but when I auditioned 3 top cd players, the Rosebuds were used in the demo, ... 
Anybody auditioned new Wadia 301 CDP?
Yes, I arranged a dem of the Wadia 301 several months back at Midland Audio Exchange in the UK. I had kind of set my heart on it before I'd even heard it (mistake!). Anyway whilst there, the dealer had a ML 390s and an Advantage S1 (from Sweden). ...