
Responses from asclepius

KEF Blade
I have had the Reference 207/2s for about three years now. I had a chance to hear the Blades recently and here are my impressions: First of all, I was impressed at how impressed I was with their sound. Very well integrated from top to bottom, wond... 
Heard the Bryston SST 2 Squared ?
5560, I'm a little embarrassed to realize that I didn't actually answer your question - after all those years of University I should know that the first rule is to READ THE QUESTION! Nonetheless, I'm glad that you found my response helpful. I woul... 
Heard the Bryston SST 2 Squared ?
Ooops! I forgot to mention that I have the Bryston 28B-SST (squared) amps although I think that most would have figured that out from my description. 
Heard the Bryston SST 2 Squared ?
Yes, I just bought a pair. Amazing. Effortless and Boundless are two apt descriptors. Gobs and gobs of effortless power. Now the volume is only limited by my pain threshold. There was a little glare on the top end but this has smoothed out nicely ... 
Has anyone heard the Olive Opus No5 music server?
Hi Evan;Thanks for your comments. I'm talking to Steve about getting a modded Benchmark DAC and buying an iMac as my transport/storageAsclepius