
Responses from athens

BAT VK-60 on WILSON WITT.....????
Thank you both !And as Jfrech said:The BAT amps are really great with Wilson's !VK-60 is very powerful...Like a 150 Wrms amp...It is crystal clear, with excellent control, very fast, transparent with a huge soundstage.And works fine with my ULTIMA... 
Difference between Wilson WITT mk1 and mk2
Many thanks for your help and for your advices.My system aparts from SF Sfcd 1, SF Phono 1, SF Line 3 and SF Power 2.I think I'm gonna need very soon a pair of SF Power 3...Or a Plinius 250.We'll see.I'll think about it... 
BEST match for B&W Natilus 802s
AUDIO RESEARCH REF 1 or 2 or 3 and VT-200 with 802NTRUE HI-END SOUND!!! 
Sonic Frontiers to Conrad Johnson .
Brainwater, no I'm not kidding!And it's not a joke that SF Line 3 is clearer,faster,with better focus,more information,with more qiet signal and more revealing sound than CJ Premier preamp which is dark, mellow,with no neutrality.I'm sorry about t... 
Sonic Frontiers to Conrad Johnson .
Conrad Johnson against Sonic Frontiers?No,it's not fair...I had Premier 14 and a frend of mine had Line 3,Power 2 and Wilson WITT mkII.We had a comparisation side by sideThe results...?I sold my Premier 14 and bought what else...?I had 802 Matrix ...