
Responses from atlaudio353

Most Important, Unloved Cable...
Actually, in the real world, claims do not (rpt not) have to be substantiated, proven or any such thing. Products do not (rpt not) have to be proven to work, they do not (rpt not) have to be explained. Measurements are not (rpt not) required. Th... 
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
Whoa! What's this, the attack of the Audio Peer Review Committee? Whatever you have to tell yourself. But yes, in a modern world where claims have to be substantiated, I know it's crazy. I'm sorry you were born on the wrong side of the Dark Age... 
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
willemj, would it be fair to say without looking more closely at the fine details of those tests, the take-away is things that measure the same also sound the same? Is that what you would have us believe? No wonder the cable controversy has been g... 
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
the real reason The Amazing Randi never (rpt never) lost a Million Dollar Challenge was because the test protocol was obviously slanted to favor Randi. And to favor him to such an extent he virtually couldn’t loose. Citation Needed. Other than a... 
Question for cable/wire naysayers.....
Just remember, recording engineers at the best studios use lamp zip.As always, don't change the art. Use the gear which changes it the least. It shouldn't cost an exorbitant premium to achieve this.  Understand that any speaker cable can be made t... 
Question for cable/wire naysayers.....
Paul, what are naysayers universally saying? Are they saying that *all* cables will work the *exactly* same? That's not generally how the argument goes, but more of one critical of exotic and boutique, high-priced cables justifying their premium p... 
Question for cable/wire naysayers.....
Simply put, all speaker wires can sound different when either resistance, capacitance, or inductance is changed. However there's no secret sauce to obtain whatever signature sound any cable allows which justifies exotic prices. 
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
"The determination of a SCAM was by this groups moderators" Where did they say this? Moreover, I couldn't find the word "scam," either with or without caps, in the TOS. Perhaps you should go easier on your keyboard. However the offer was clearly w...